Friday, December 21, 2007

Aisyah's New Blog

On the eve of Eidil Adha, I visited Aisyah (who lives only 4 min-drive away from me). The last time I went there was before Eidil Fitr! She's a very busy lady.

That night, I sat down with her to create another blog for her (we created one for her some time ago, but she has forgotten the password!).

This morning I am glad to see that she has started her postings :-)

Aisyah is one of my "new" friends - new is defined as somebody I've known for less than 5 years, Nik Elin whom I met during my haj is another one, as well as those from SAHP group.

I met aisyah when I was in UNISEL. She was (and still is) in charged of the marketing, and I used to help her out with her marketing trips. We had some memorable outings (and they are very exhausting too - sometimes we started as early as 8 am to get the booth ready and stayed all the way until 9 or 10 pm!).

I managed to find some of the pix while we were in Kota Kinabalu and Kuching:

In KK - Lim Bandang(the talles guy in the pic) who's an alumnus of UNISEL helped us a lot while we were there. Aisyah is the one in "tiger-striped" baju kurung

So did another alumnus, Jalil (the guys who's wearing the blue UNISEL jacket).

At the Sabah Faoundation Building

In Kuching (aisyah in orange)


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