Monday, January 28, 2008

Updates on my MARA Saga

It seems that quite a number of friends read my blog about my MARA problem.

So, I thought it's only fair for me to put down in writing some of the updates:

1. A senior MARA officer who read my blog was very nice to me - he followed up with the case personally. He called me last Friday to inform m that the loan money (for January and February) has been sent to my son. It's so happened that just a few minutes earlier I received and e-mail from my son saying that he and his friend (also a MARA scholar) had received the bank-drafts.

2. AS for the computer loan, they are in the process of preparing the loan offer letter before they can issue any payment. ( I just wonder what the form that my son sent in September was doing at MARA? I hope they haven't lost it!)

3. A for the results, I was given an e-mail address for my son to e-mail his recent semester results.

And today I had Thai Lunch with Mek Ta ;-)
Thnks Ta for the treat!


Blogger zorrokantoi said...

salam sabariah,
i feel so sorry for your son. it's a known fact that budaya kerja orang kat MARA memang macam tu. saya pernah deal with them a couple of years ago when i accompanied by neice to enquire about a study loan. the lady officer tu (cakap english dah lah tonggang terbalik), punyalah very unsymphatetic dan off sikit, as if the money belong to her grandfather.

11:49 PM  
Blogger Dashuki Mohd. said...

Kak Sabar,

my daughter in cairo, egypt still hasn't got her Jan loan and she's been yming that she's running out of money.... of course implying that I need to send her some. It's quite wierd that her collegues in alexandria already got theirs. So how ..? Should I go banging of MARA's door also?

4:48 PM  

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