Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ewa, Wak & Harlisya

Today I accompanied Ewa to InTECH for an interview. Ewa was my student way back during her A-Level years. She was in the "A-Level - German" programme (Batch 16), where she studied for her A-Level exam (UK) and at the same time she also studied the German Language. At the end of the programme she went to Manheim, Germany for her Diplome (which is equivalent to our degree here, if not higher). While she was there, I managed to visit her (in 2001), and last Christmas break my daughter Nuni took the opportunity to visit her and travel with her in Germany.

During her A-Level, I was her Pure Maths lecturer as well as the class lecturer (like the class teacher, if in school). Apart from that, during their German language lessons I joined them as one of the students. The German language lecturer was Renate Kiringer, who is a German native. We had fun during the language class as the students got to treat me just like one of their classmates! We also had role-playing sessions where we practiced our (very limited) communication skills in scenarios such as at the market, and on travel.
(When DH (read Dearest Hubby) & I visited Germany in 2001 for our 20th wedding anniversary, we stayed at Renate's place in Heidelberg for a night! She and her DH also took us up the Heidelberg castle, and we met up with Ewa there too with 2 other girls, Puteri and Dhira. Some of the pix can be found here and here, at Aina's blog. Yeah... We had to take Aina along...)

After the interview, Ewa followed me to the bank. Then we went to Tesco S Alam to have JM Beriani. When I was going to pay the bill, I noticed a guy who looked so familiar to me. The name that came to my memory was "WAK". He's actually my former A-Level (Batch 10) student too. He happened to be with another x-student, Harlisya. Both of them were classmates. What a day!! I went to greet them, and fortunately they still remember me (phew!).
Who said only students should greet their former teachers if they bumped into them? It also works vice versa :-)

Wak aka Hilme Sahar now has his own company, IntegritSystem, while Harlisya is attached to UPM.
I had a nice chat with them (poor Ewa had to wait for me then..).

At 2pm, I sent Ewa to the commuter station - she's going home to Kajang.

All in all, todays' outing was a good one. I forgot that my handphone has a camera, othewise I'd have taken some pix to be added to this blog. Next time, Wak, next time.....


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